CDs for sale.
Easy purchase via PayPal. All CDs $15 which includes shipping & handling.
Linger for a moment, listen to some excerpts, see what you think.
Donna Lee
Secret Love
Walker’s Wamba
Latin In Deed/Impressions
Gabe’s Blues
Dish It Up
Robert Black Conducts
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra
Silesian Philharmonic Orchestra | MMC 2008
Boston Overture 9:15 William Thomas McKinley
Symphonia Brevis Miriam Gideon
Allegro 4:04
Andante 5:36
Underground 10:56 Robert Black
Composite 13:53 Joseph Koykkar
Revelation 7:56 Maxine Warshauer
Three Minute Waltz 2:42 Mitch Hampton
A Symphonic Poem (1992) 12:32 Paul Renz
Recorded by the Silesian Philharmonic Orchestra
in Katowice, Poland, December 1992.
Sight Singing Book
Easy purchase via PayPal. $10 includes shipping & handling.
An Introduction to Sight Singing
”In my experience as an educator, I have found that many students are uncomfortable, even petrified at the prospect of sight singing in the classroom. Sight singing is seldom taught during the early stages of music appreciation or study, so when it’s finally offered at the high school or college level, students find it intimidating rather than enjoyable. I strongly encourage music teachers to introduce sight singing materials to students as early as possible and to make it an enjoyable experience. Sight singing, or solfege, is a wonderful way to enhance musicianship. It enables the student to develop an “inner ear,” the ability to look at a piece of music and hear how it sounds without actually playing it on an instrument. Solfege is the perfect companion to sight reading, familiarizing the student with fundamental rhythms, intervals, and melodic patterns. This book should be used in conjunction with other sight singing and sight reading materials to insure a comprehensive and varied exposure to written music.” Paul Renz